If you know anything about me you will know this. I never believe anything unless I can experience it for myself or comes from a reliable source. Unlike some people who read it on Wikipedia and decide it is the gospel truth.
The internet is a breeding ground of myths, legends and tall tales. Especially for things regarding sex. But the internet isn't always to blame. Oh no... some of the myths we are going to cover today stem back many years ago! Waaaaayyyyy back... back into time. I am sure if we jumped in a time machine it would go back to the dawn of existence. So lets climb on board our Tardis (<that is a time machine for those of you who are not Whovians) and go back and see if we can't straighten out a few things shall we?
Men enjoy sex more than
If you believe this the truth you are in for a rude awakening the Truth is that women just don’t enjoy sex with you.
Actually the libido fluctuates for both sexes on several factors including diet, sleep, health, stress, medical
Conditions, self-confidence and relationship disharmony. Some women think about sex more than most men I know and talk to each a lot about it. Take me for instance.
After a certain age sex is
No longer important.
Sex is an important
aspect of physical and emotional health and well-being for adults of all ages,
even those in their golden years. In fact with the introduction of Viagra and
Cialis the cases of STD’s in nursing homes and retirement communities have
Now the thought of grandma and grandpa getting it on maybe a different story all together but now that I have planted that seed I bet you're having a difficult time getting it out ain't you... YOUR WELCOME !
You can judge the size of a
man’s package by the size of his feet.
Scientific fact this is not true. Besides if that was true you wouldn't see penis pumps and pills and potions to make your penis longer you would have foot stretchers instead.
With that Size Matters.. It doesn’t. Only about
4 centimeters (external one third) of the vaginal canal contain sensory nerves
For arousal and orgasms. So why waste time trying to stimulate the internal two
Thirds of the vaginal canal when there's not going to be any response? Focus
Your attention to more important matters, women! And women can do their
part doing Kegel exercise to give them a fuller sensation.
Masturbation causes
Trust me if that was the case I would have needed a seeing eye dog a
Very long time ago.
You can catch an STD from
a toilet.
Remember when your mother would place toilet paper on the seat before you sat down on it? She would be afraid you caught something. Well if it is poopie cooties.. yeah sure why not but all STD’s require a moist environment to breed. So STD's on the seat?..sorry Mom but that is a big fat NO. Although you
CAN get an STD from oral sex. So don’t think you can’t. And women using
Birth control doesn’t prevent you from getting an STD. Along with Sex in a hot
tub/sex standing up/jumping up and down/douching after sex/or pushing the semen
out for that matter.
Men think about sex every
seven seconds.
If that was the case sporting events would be COMPLETELY
Although it is true that most human beings do think about sex a lot but that is because it is important in our lives. But it isn't dwelled on like the myth suggests. And if it is well then you may have a problem....
That's right David I'm talking about you. You and your Californication.
Women are incapable of
having casual sex because they’re so emotional.
I personally know this not to
be true. There are a lot of women out there who are just as much a "Playa" as there are men. Actually there are a lot more women out there who do not have this issue than there are men. Just ask any man who pays an "escort" or lady of the night. They don't call it the oldest profession for nothing. Game of Thornes shows it every week.
These women do it all the time. No problem. So it is reasonable to think if they can do it so can other women without getting paid for services.
It is possible to break a
I have blogged about this before. You cannot “break” your penis because there is no bone. However, there is a condition called a penile fracture. It
is a severe form of bending injury of the erect penis that occurs when a membrane
called the tunica albuginea tears. The
tunica albuginea surrounds the corpora cavernosa, specialized spongy tissue in
the core of the penis that fills up with blood during an erection. When the
Tunica albuginea tears, the blood leaks into the surrounding tissue causing
Bruising and swelling.
average penis is eight inches.
No fear guys this is a total fable. On average the statistics show that most men range from 4 to 6 inches. Now if you read the above portion under the fable of the foot size you would know that size really shouldn't matter anyway. The G-spot really isn't all that far up there and most women like the clitoral stimulation.
Again if you're a Whovian you'll get that joke...lol
Blue balls
can be fatal.
Seriously? I know it can not be nice at all and very uncomfortable but fatal? According to my Urology friend this is a total fable. Now he does assure me that it is indeed quite unpleasant. He kinda summarized it like a woman who is breastfeeding and cannot feed or pump for a while and gets engorged. Ouch yes I know what that feels like so please ladies don't tease and not place too much.
Green M
& M’s make you horny.
Along with aphrodisiac foods this is a myth. There is no scientific evidence to support
the validity of aphrodisiacs. However, while there is no science to foods or
other herbs, this doesn’t mean a certain food can trigger an erotic memory so
make your own aphrodisiacs.
You cannot
get pregnant from the pull out method.
Even though this does lower the chances
it is not true. Even Pre Cum has sperm count in it and it only takes one. Same goes for the myth of you can’t get
Pregnant from being on your period. Sperm can last several days past the cycle.
There is a
cure for HIV/AIDS.
Although we have come a long way and people are living
longer and healthier lives with this virus there still is no cure. Same goes for Hepititis A, B and C, Herpes, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Molluscum Contagiosum virus (MCV).
Shhh there there now it's okay you can still have sex with a condom and be safe.
Women don't
like porn
Not all women want rose
petals on their bed. And not all women want to be whisked away into a gentle
world of "love-making". Women enjoy pornography too. And if anyone
thought only men can conjure up fantasies, then you are definitely misguided.
You can get
addicted to your vibrator.
Even if you climax faster and more easily with battery-powered
assistance, a vibrator won’t ruin your ability to achieve orgasm with your
partner. Along with this goes men are intimidated by your vibrator. Most men I
have spoke with and encountered loved the thought of using vibrators on women especially when it is a remote controlled one and they are holding the remote. <wink wink>
Men Reach their Sexual Peak at 18, and Women at 40.
Not true. Although
Mens testosterone levels peak around 18, but hormones are only one small factor
in a male sexual performance. Women have no set peak.Well I hope these clears up a few things for everyone. Time to climb back into our time machine and head back. See if it has done any good. If not at least those of you reading this are now a little more educated.
MMMMMMMM was it good for you? Let me know by leaving a message below or writing to info@foryoursexformation.com. In need of some sex supplies? Take a gander at my site and let me know I will get you the 10% discount. Also check out our Live Radio show every Sunday night at 9:00 est on Blog talk radio. Link on the picture at the top of this blog.
Don't forget to take the poll to the left and most of all have some great sex ya'll!
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